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Attracting the Best And Brightest… HS Freshmen??

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Technology is rapidly and ever evolving making how every industry does things constantly changing as well. There are new ideas on how to do things, what to do and how to expand the industry even further. Museums are adding interactive displays to their once static exhibits. Marketing firms are including digital offerings to their portfolio. Law firms are protecting their clients’ intellectual rights on the internet. Contractors are taking tablets with them on site to make sure their projects are on schedule and supplies are available. Dentists are looking up your x-rays from their keyboard, not their filing cabinets. Take a moment now to think about how your industry is evolving with technology. Are you keeping up?

Even educational systems have changed in response to the growth in technology. Students are coming out of college with a set of skills that were difficult to find in the last century. The Microsoft Office Suite is a given, not the rarity it once was. Some high schools are even teaching their freshmen students how to use the CAD software architects use, and these fourteen year olds are getting certified as well. That’s not to say it’s a good idea to hire a high school student for your drafting needs, but these are the skills with which they are starting college. Once they graduate, they will have skills that they will want to see challenged. A recent grad, or even someone with some work experience, won’t want to work below their skillset.

Are you set up to attract the best and brightest in your industry? Is your business meeting the demands of your clients as they are now or as they once were? Are you following industry trends or are you on the leading edge? And how does that benefit or impact your business? Answering these questions can give you some clarity on how your company can more effectively use technology.
