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The Happiness Factor

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Your staff is the heart and soul of your company. You take the time to select the best people for your organization. It is a pain staking process and a significant investment. The employees you hire are the ones that have a passion for their position and are adept at it. Supplying them with the tools they need to fulfil their responsibilities is your responsibility. If your staff is being bogged down by the technology they are forced to work with, whether slow computers, poor internet speeds, incompatible software or anything else that would make their jobs difficult to do, you can expect low morale and high turnover.

The workforce is becoming more digital each year and the best and brightest don’t stay too long if the technology does not meet their needs. Can you imagine hiring a bookkeeper and giving them a hand crank calculator on their first day? They probably wouldn’t last past noon. And those that do stay, do so begrudgingly to collect a regular pay check. They mutter and mumble and their displeasure does not go unnoticed. That once promising new hire, is now sitting at their desk, frustrated and ill tempered. Good technology is key to turning promising new hires into star employees.

Of course, when talking about keeping your employees not just interested but happy in their positions, it is worth noting that each generation has their distinct needs and wants when it comes to job satisfaction. It cannot be disputed that despite the generation, employee satisfaction can add significant value to your company. But just how much value does the happiness of your employees add to the value of your company? Have you measured the satisfaction of your employees, recently? Are there ways you can improve their morale? Do you believe it will enhance their performance? Answering these questions can go a long way to improving the performance of your staff and reduce churn.
